Ozzadeen “Ozzie” Cortozzo
Birthday: October 31
Bloodtype: --
Likes: Painting, video games, metal
Dislikes: Annoying things, strange smells
Theme: Wolf Alice - “Ghoster”
Ozzie was once a normal (well, somewhat normal) student at the Gloomburg College of Art & Design until one fateful day where she fell prey to a mysterious vampire. Now she’s a vampire herself, and tasked with using her newfound powers to defend New Jersey from a seemingly endless horde of invading demons from another dimension. At least their blood keeps her from feeding on humans. Ozzie is arrogant, showboatish and violent when provoked. She hopes to take revenge on the vampire who did this to her. And also still manage to still pass her classes. And graduate.
SPECIAL NOTE: She is a fourth-degree black belt.

Kimmy Marie Howell
Birthday: April 20
Bloodtype: O
Likes: Cats, pizza, coffee, indie folk bands, sleeping
Dislikes: Exerting any kind of effort
Theme: Neutral Milk Hotel - “Song Against Sex”
Ozzie's best friend and roommate. Kimmy goes through life with a perpetual scowl on her face. But it's not her fault that the world doesn't live up to her high standards. Her best friend becoming a hellacious blood-sucking wraith could be cool, except now she's stuck having to assist her in her nightly demon-slaying activities. Kimmy's humanity allows her to wield Grimsley the Grimoire and seal away demons defeated by Ozzie. Together, the two make a somewhat effective demon hunting duo when they aren't causing devastating amounts of property damage.
SPECIAL NOTE: She is severely caffeine-addicted, and spends a concerning amount of money on coffee a month.

Birthday: A Long Ass Time Ago
Bloodtype: --
Likes: Destroying demons
Dislikes: Demons, Ozzie and Kimmy’s idiosyncrasies
Theme: Wolf Alice - “Ghoster”
Grimsley is one of the “Grimoires”, weaponized magic books designed to help humans fight off and seal demons. Grimsley’s creation dates all the way back to the crusades when humans and demons were truly having it out. Through a series of strange circumstances he has found himself reluctantly having to work with Ozzie and Kimmy to fend off the current demon invasion. Fortunately he is able to put aside his bias against hellspawn to work with Ozzie. Unfortunately, the two are unpredictable, unreliable and near-completely inept, which makes him long for his previous comrades.
SPECIAL NOTE: Does not smell nearly as musty as you'd think.

Austin Geoffrey Jones
Birthday: November 11
Bloodtype: A
Likes: Feeling helpful, tattoo art, fixing cars, horror movies
Dislikes: Loneliness, morning classes, cold weather
Theme: Orange Goblin - “Demon Blues”
Ozzie and Kimmy's big-hearted friend and classmate who has found himself swept up in their adventures. He wishes he could help them out more, but due to his nature as a normal human, he’s more of a liability than anything. Still, he offers considerable amounts of support which does not go unappreciated by them.
SPECIAL NOTE: Ozzie first tested out her strength on Austin's jeep. It did not survive. Also, he has a twin brother!

Nora Steel
Birthday: December 5
Bloodtype: AB
Likes: Listening to music, playing music, talking about music, the smell of rain
Dislikes: Uninteresting people, ASMR videos, eating meat
Theme: Agoraphobic Nosebleed - “Not A Daughter”
Nora works at the local record store Vinyl Fantasy Seven during the day, and organizes and promotes punk gigs during the night. She plays guitar in the band Dead Last with her friends Rocky, Sanjiv and Dan, and she is happily married to Shari. She has found herself pulled into Ozzie and Kimmy’s crazy world and is just trying to keep up. She is surprisingly gentle and soft-spoken, considering the aggressive music she plays and listens to.
SPECIAL NOTE: She self-publishes a punk zine called “Rats” in her spare time.

Shari Shah
Birthday: March 12
Bloodtype: O
Likes: Sewing, road trips, desserts, learning other languages
Dislikes: Tall shelves, computers, bugs
Theme: Thin Lizzy - “Dedication”
Nora’s wife. She currently teaches English in Japan until they’re able to afford to live together, but gets sucked into Ozzie and Kimmy’s adventures when visiting America. Shari is easily the most expressive of the gang, she feels her feelings more intensely than anyone.
SPECIAL NOTE: She has lived in the United States, London and Japan at different times in her life.

Matt Garret
Birthday: January 15
Bloodtype: AB
Likes: Conspiracy theories, studying mythology, reading mystery novels
Dislikes: Being made fun of
Theme: UFO - Rock Bottom
After witnessing an incident involving his dad as a kid, Matt has been trying to prove demons are real his entire life. He finally gets his chance when he meets Ozzie and Kimmy, though he may have gotten more than he bargained for. His very presence seems to irritate the two for no discernable reason, and they seem to be unable to even remember his name at times. Still, he keeps coming back for more, if only because he seems to take the impending apocalypse more seriously than anyone.
SPECIAL NOTE: He’s roommates with Sanjiv, who is in Nora’s band.